Friday, May 7, 2010

Attend a Weeklong HIV/AIDS Workshop

Today was the last day of the workshop. There were about 50 participants both Village Health Workers (VHWs) and PC health volunteers. The beginning of the week we focused on the facts and the last half focused on how to take the information and share it with communities. Vanuatu only has 5 reported cases of HIV/AIDS, however I am certain that the number is actually a lot more. Not nearly enough of the population has been tested due to accessibility and lack of education. All of the VHWs seemed to have learned a lot and are excited to get back to their communities. For some this was their first trip to Port Vila. It was also interesting to witness some good debates on the practice on encouraging condom usage amongst the unmarried youth. One individual felt very strongly that condoms were like a passport for wreck-less behavior having multiple partners and such. Another, a Pastor, defended condoms stating that the reality is kids will be kids and some will “wokabaot long road” no matter what and so it’s better to arm them with protection. I wonder what kind of reaction I’ll get from the mamas and papas on Tongariki when I talk to them in a few weeks???

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