That night the Health Committee got together to welcome my dad and exchange gifts. He also tasted the kava (Tongariki style) and definitely felt more effects then when he tried it in Ambae.
Saturday and Sunday it rained and rained so we were stuck in my hut reading and playing gin rummy. Monday the weather was better and my dad was able to fly back to Vila to catch his flight home.
I think my dad really got a true taste of Vanuatu and the experience of a volunteer:
- we went to 5 islands
- he met a lot of the volunteers in Vila
- we had plane delays and cancellations
- tons of rain
- hiked a volcano and got a tattoo
- ate lap lap
And so much more
Although I’m sure my dad appreciated getting a first hand account – I think he was glad to be going back to the comforts of home after 2 weeks of “aelan laef”.